2. Installation


Certain distributions link python to python2 and others link it to python3. For disambiguation python, pip, and virtualenv shall mean their python v3 versions here, i.e. python3, pip3, virtualenv3.


You will need to have git, and python installed for any of the below methods to work. You will also need MongoDB if you intend to create a local database, (more than likely), but python-ezdb can still connect to already running databases without it if you happen to have one already.

This section will outline various methods for installation of python-ezdb, and its dependencies. Not all methods are equal there are slight variations between them, which are outlined in the respective sections below, along with instructions for each method:

2.2. Automated

This section discusses the more automated and repeatable installation methods for Nemesyst, but they do not contain all the files needed to learn, and begin developing Nemesyst integrated applications, rather this includes just the bare-bones Nemesyst ready for your deployment.

2.2.1. pip

For now you can use pip via:

pip install git+https://github.com/DreamingRaven/python-ezdb.git#branch=master

2.3. Manual

This section outlines the manual methods of installing python-ezdb, for maximum control at the cost of time and repeatability.

2.3.1. setup.py

git clone https://github.com/DreamingRaven/python-ezdb
cd python-ezdb
python setup.py install

2.3.2. Archlinux

git clone https://github.com/DreamingRaven/python-ezdb
cd python-ezdb/.archlinux/
makepkg -si

2.3.3. Virtual env

To create the python-virtualenv:

virtualenv venv

If python 3 is not the default python for your virtualenvironment, simply delete the new directory venv and instead use the following to generate a new one with python3:

virtualenv -p python3 venv

To then use the newly created virtual environment:

source venv/bin/activate

OR if you are using a terminal like fish:

source venv/bin/activate.fish

To install Nemesyst and all its dependencies into a virtual environment while it is being used (activated):

pip install git+https://github.com/DreamingRaven/python-ezdb.git#branch=master

To exit the virtual environment:
